Friday, October 26, 2007


I'm sure now. I'm sure that I don't understand why God allows somethings to happen. I am sure that God will sustain me through this and through the rest of my life. I am sure that there is a reason for this battle. I got the call from the doctor. I will have to return to Emory for another stay in the hospital. This time will only be for 5-7 days (depending on my cell counts). The doctors have been running tests and doing studies and have found an abnormality in my 11th chromosome which puts me in a high risk bracket for my type of leukemia. Translation: that even if the chemo knocks out the cancer this time around (which it didn't do with this last treatment protocol) the chances of the leukemia returning are at a much higher percentile. I will be undergoing a bone marrow transplant. On Monday afternoon I will return to Emory in Atlanta for a short stay (hopefully) to begin a new chemo treatment regimen. I will be spending the majority of those days hooked up to an IV receiving continual chemo medications. I'm NOT looking forward to this. As I will not be at the hospital for long I shouldn't receive mail there. My Macon address is still the primary. I will post my bedside number when I get it, but ask for no calls before 9am and after 8 pm. With this bout of chemo, I am going in not as strong as the last time, so I am anticipating some illness. This treatment will be much harder than the last as it is much stronger. So I am asking for continued prayers of strength and wellness. After I am released I will be coming back to Macon and then the doctors anticipate that I will only have to return to Emory twice a week for my out-patient treatment. This out-patient treatment will be done in two cycles, an A-cycle and a B-cycle for 21 days each. This will be preparing my body for the transplant. Please pray for possible donors, matches, and for God's will to be done, shown, and understood in this situation. Thanks so much for everything. I love you all. And miss you all. Please feel free to email me at any time.


Anonymous said...

Wow! You have a lot to face, but you know beyond a doubt that you don't face this crisis alone. We are standing with you in heart and spirit. Any possibility of seeing you before you go to Emory? Don't know when we could come, but we'll make time. When is it you go back? (Short attention span! ) Will keep the church posted. Love you lots. Oh, by the way, did you get the CD's I mailed you ages ago? MS G

Anonymous said...

"no calls between the hours of 9am and 8 pm"? did you mean that or no calls between 8pm and 9am??

Joshua The Magnificent