Thursday, November 22, 2007

Hospital for Chemo and Reservoir - Happy Thanksgiving

Hello all - this is Joshua making my first post.

I've been here at the hospital since Monday with Brianne and we'll be breaking out on either Friday or Saturday. She's been having chemo all week and is holding up. On Monday, they performed surgery to put in the reservoir which went well, and she was groggy and slept most of the rest of the day. On Tuesday, she was a bit more alert, but threw up her lunch after having a procedure where they shot chemo straight into here brain using the new reservoir. She then slept the rest of the day and was out of it. We would be sitting there watching tv or something and she'd space out for a few minutes. It's been like that most of the week.

We've been walking around the floor some and she was able to hold down a little food on Wednesday, but hasn't eaten anything yet today (she's been a bit sick and Mom is coming in later this afternoon, bringing something good to eat). The McManuses came by on Wednesday which she really enjoyed. It's been really weird being here this week as this has been my first stay with Brianne in the hospital while she receives chemo. Most of the day is spent getting water, walking her to the bathroom, calling the nurses, talking to the nurses, alerting the nurses about the machines beeping, and a lot of sitting around. Brianne hasn't been sleeping well due to the nurses coming in an out at night and is very nauseous from the chemo and brain surgery. She seems to be getting better, as she has more times when we interact and watch tv or talk, but the chemo and multiple other medicines take a toll on her. Brianne having chemo is worlds different from Brianne at home.

We should be going home soon which will be nice, but I'll be heading back to Jackson this weekend. Keep praying for Brianne that she'll handle the treatments well and remain strong. Also pray for her attitude, as she gets worried, nervous, and scared. Joshua Signing off.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Tough Times

Beez goes in the hospital for her surgery tomorrow morning for placement of Ommaya reservoir , She will in the hospital for a week of chemo treatments beginning her 2nd round. Joshua is home for Thanksgiving and will be staying with her at the hospital this week. We had a wonderful pre-Thanksgiving celebration this weekend with our family even though it was intertwined with Dr. visits and pre-op meetings. We have a clearer update to give everyone regarding our meeting with the bone marrow transplant specialist and will do so in a day or two. We had some really good news and some really sobering realities. We are coping, and being sustained by Gods grace and tender mercies. We all hurt for Beez having to go through this and we thank you for for the prayers and expressions of love. She is holding on but still hurts physically and emotionally at times. Please add our traveling prayers to your list as Christopher travels weekly back and forth from Birmingham, Joshua back to MS next week and of course Beez and I a couple times a week to Atlanta. A million thanks and blessings be returned to you all.