Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Good News?

I have good news. Right before I went into the hospital last Monday I had a Bone Marrow Biopsy ("loads of fun," I bled on the resident), and yesterday we got those results back. I am technically in remission! :) We are so excited. If you have been reading and keeping up with this blog you may know that my cancer isn't curable with chemo only. So, we know that the cancer will be returning as it did in the past (unless there is a miracle). But the good news is that, as I continue with chemo, if the cancer stays like it is right now my body is in a perfect place for the transplant. I'm sure there is a better way to say that, but I'm really tired right now, so I guess that will do. :) I'm really happy about the results, but it still sucks that I have to keep doing the chemo. I go very early tomorrow morning to Atlanta to have more chemo and another doctors appointment. Thanks so much for your continuing support and prayers. Happy Christmas!!!!