Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Season of Grief

We will post some things in the days to come. Presently we are coping, grieving and "doing the next thing". Christopher is working on a pictorial memorial that is beautiful but difficult to finish as you can imagine. Please check back later. The notes people have sent with memories and what Bri meant to them has been incredibly encouraging and comforting. Thank You and please send more so we can compile them.

On a personal note:
One week has passed. I have not posted as words fail me. One of my very precious treasures is gone from me and I grieve. I have never known such sorrow. At times I am comforted by Gods words and promises. Other times, nothing seems to satisfy the deep longing for my daughter/best friends prescence. Embracing the finality, the reality is excruciating. Anxiety, remorse and sorrow replaces hope. Eventually, the overwhelmingness of it all washes away as the tears stream down. I am left with nothing but God, just as it should be.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Brenda, I just wanted you to know that I am praying for your family. I know this is a difficult time. Bri's celebration party was wonderful and her passing was beautiful. The house was filled with people who love Bri, and I sensed such a peace as she went to be in the arms of Jesus. May He continue to comfort your heart and give you His peace that surpasses all understanding!
With much love in Christ,
Joy Dunnam

Anonymous said...

We all miss Bri so much, but I can't imagine how this enormous loss must feel to her mother. I pray that God wraps you in his love, peace,and strength in the days ahead.

Anonymous said...

Dear Ones, Your grief is hared, but that doesn't diminish it. ONly the comfort of the Holy Spirit and time can alleviate the pain, as you know. As O remember the countless hours that Bri and I spent together, one of the highlights was our trip to the High Museum of Art for the Age of Impressionism. We adored the same paintings, lingering over them to the point that other guests were hampered from seeing them Our favorite was the railway station somewhere in France, now an art mueum. I bouth a copy of it, which hangs in my living room. After the visit, we went shopping for clothes for her, a rther frustrating experience. We still had fun and returned rather late. She was an extraordinary girl whoswe ability to touch peoples' lives was infectious. I hope that the light she shared in others was sufficient to crowd out the darkness she wrestled with the last few years. I treasured the weekends she came down and stayed here, though "stay" is not what she did. She was eager to see her friends, normal and okay with us. Just the fact that she knew our home was always opne to her meant a great deal to both Dan and me. You are in our prayers. Love, G

Amanda said...

I want you to know that my little sister is doing a Relay for life honor of Bri up here in Canada. Love you Brenda...and praying for you.